Who Can Enter The Wedding Industry Awards?


Some of the most common misconceptions about The Wedding Industry Awards is that people think their business has to be a certain size or have performed a certain amount of weddings or been established for a specific amount of time. This is categorically not true. The entry criteria for TWIA could not be more simple: the Awards are open to ALL wedding businesses within England. That’s it!

It’s true that we have 26 different categories, so everyone from accessory designers to videographers can take part. If your business encompasses more than one category – hair and make up, for example – then you can even enter multiple categories and show off every facet of your brilliant wedding business.

But do you have to have 100 bookings to enter? No. Do you need to have been around since Princess Diana get married? Certainly not! Are you only eligible to enter if you’ve got 24 employees? Don’t be daft! Whether it’s just you by yourself or you have a multi-national corporation at your disposal, we want you in the Awards!

Are you getting the point yet?! The Wedding Industry Awards really are for everyone!

We’ve tried to create a level playing field for businesses of all sizes to compete with one another by having a rigorous voting system and an intricate judging process. This means that you have as much chance as anyone else of succeeding. It’s not a popularity contest.

And if you are reading this as a new business but think you need to wait a few years before you should enter, let us just stop you right there. We have a Best Newcomer category specifically for people just like you. If you established your business since November 2014, you will automatically be entered for this award free of charge in addition to your main category. Not only does this allow us to showcase all the superb new work and fresh blood within the industry, it also gives us the chance to prove that you don’t have to have the most longstanding business to receive recognition for your hard work.

It has never been a better time to enter The Wedding Industry Awards and YOU are a prime candidate because we know how hard you work, we know how much your clients love you and we know that you deserve to be acknowledged for the services that you offer.

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