First TWIA Regional Social Venue Announced!

Alright, we’ll admit it, we’re a bit too overexcited at the prospect of getting out from behind the computer and going to meet actual, real life people. Nonetheless, it doesn’t diminish the fact that we’ve got exciting news today as we’re able to announce the first venue for this year’s round of TWIA Regional Socials.

Thanks to the recommendation of TWIA judge Sassi Holford and her team, we can now reveal that the South West Social will be held at:

Cosy Club

The Cosy Club in Taunton does exactly what it says on the tin, really, in that we hope it will provide a friendly, relaxed atmosphere for south west wedding suppliers to come and mix and have a chat. ALL wedding suppliers are welcome to attend and Damian Bailey will be there to answer any queries anyone may have about TWIA. That being said, you don’t need to have entered TWIA at any point to come along, you simply need to be part of the wedding industry.

We’d love for you to bring colleagues/friends/partners/small pets (ok, not that last one) and anyone you think who might enjoy an evening of informal networking with other self-employed, small business owners who want to let their hair down and have a bit of a natter.

TWIA Regional Socials The Cosy Club Taunton_001

You can find more venue information and directions on The Cosy Club website, but make sure you like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter as well.

As ever, if you’d like to contribute your services on the evening, you can drop us a line by emailing detailing who you are, what you do and how you can help us create a memorable night for the South West TWIA Regional Social.

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